Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Response to Erik Bergstrom

I found this to be a very clever marketing idea. Do you share the same opinion?

I would definitely agree that this was a very clever marketing idea. I think sometimes organizations forget that there is a little part of adults that will always remain children. When I was younger I loved getting the children's menus because it gave me something to do while I waited for my food. I think this marketing idea does the exact same thing, but it also allows the customer to entertain themselves as well as learn about the different companies that support the restaurant. It's a win-win situation for both customer and restaurant... what more could you ask for?

My Experience in Mexican Marketing

Mexico. Sunshine, ocean, and tanning oil. What more could a person ask for? For those of you who have never been to Mexico vendors are ruthless in the area. There are no advertisements or commercials on TV. There is just lots and lots of in your face marketing.

Vendors selling clothing, jewelry, and much much more litter the beaches, the streets, and the restaurants. They will come right up to you and pester you until you either agree to buy something or walk away and sometimes even then they will follow you. Many Americans are turned off by this push marketing and therefore no longer even vacation in the area.

Mexican marketing is a turn off to Americans because there is no structure and more than that there are no price tags. Nothing is labeled because everything can be bargained and bartered for. Would this turn you off as a customer? Are you a barter and get the best price for buyer or would you rather see the price up front?